Serves 4
750 g ground meat (I used beef, my aunt suggests half beef, half pork)
1 egg
1 small onion (my aunt suggests 4 onions or shallots)
breadcrumbs (my aunt suggests using dry bread, soaked in milk)
a few sprigs of fresh parsley, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
pepper and salt
2-3 bay leaves to put on top
Mix everything well. Give it the form of a loaf, add bay leaves, put it in a greased oven dish and bake for 1-2 hrs at 180° C.
Note: My aunt used to add lots of vegetables such as carrots, kohlrabi, spring onion, red pepper and mushrooms. I didn't bother on this occasion. Sometimes I also add chives.
My loaf took around 1 hr to bake.
Beforehand it doesn't look all that appetizing

It was real comfort food, with comfort feet.

This morning I was given two sets of 1930's door handles by a neighbour. I was very happy because in the appartment that I recently bought, most of the original door handles have disappeared, so I'm on the hunt.

mmm, ziet er weer lekker uit
en fantastisch deurklinken!
daar moeten we woensdag op klinken ;-))
dat klinkt goed ;-)
hehehe, you posted the raw meat ánd the messing about. Thanks for your aunt's recipe as well. Excellent meal, this was.
yes I enjoyed it too ;-)
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