21 July 2007


Yesterday we had a quick meal: risotto with broccoli, peas, leek, spring onion, chervil and smoked bacon. I like to use just one colour of vegetable.

Then we hurried to the cinema to watch Persepolis, the Iranian animation film based on Marjane Satrapi's 'graphic novels' (apparently the author doesn't like this term). I read all the books and the movie was a nice reminder of the stories.

After the movie we went for a drink in the Walvis (Whale), one of my favourite bars in the neighbourhood which had been closed for a while but was open again for the first day, to our great relief.

This is the view from the terrace in the evening light.

We still had a few munchies left from the movie:

Attack of the crocodiles

Cute kitten


Anonymous said...

Very very nice! I esp. like the candy. :-) A repeat for Ratatouille after Aug. 1?

Oleandri said...

Good idea! Maybe we can make ratatouille then - or caponata, similar and an old-time favourite which I haven't blogged yet.