28 May 2007


This WE a new centre for contemporary art opened in Brussels. It's called Wiels and it's housed in the former brewery of Wielemans Ceuppens, a beautiful modernist building from 1930 by architect Adrien Blomme. I went to have a look.

I saw some beautiful tiles, that would go well in my new bathroom:

There were several contemporary art exhibitions. I particularly liked the piece by Saâdane Afif called 'Le Bar des Héros' which had a sound installation with pieces of music which played in a bar in Marseille in 1999, and flashing lights like in a club, and this poem:

It reminded me of Marseille, a city I love.


Anonymous said...

Wow, excellent! I need to go there.

Wacondah said...

'k Moet er dringend nog eens passeren, heb daar ongeveer anderhalf jaar in de file gestaan door de werken 's ochtends...

Oleandri said...

Ga maar kijken, 't is de moeite ;-)