I was wondering what to have with this and then I remembered one of my grandfather's recipes with oat, so I decided to try that. My grandfather loved to cook, especially desserts, and he wrote up his recipes in a notebook. After his death, my grandmother gave me his notebook and I've tried out many of his delicious recipes.

Fennel tzimmes
Fry the fennel in butter or oil for a few min. on medium heat. Keep stirring. Add boiling water until the fennel is half covered. Add salt, pepper and fennel seeds. Let it boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer for 30 min. At the end, you can leave the lid off to let the liquid evaporate.
Sweet potato mash (ajlouk)
Peel and chop the sweet potato. Steam it for about 10 min. until it's soft.
Mash it with a fork.
Then season with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, chilli paste, cumin seeds, chopped parsley or coriander. You can also add a little crushed garlic and some ground coriander.
You can use all or just a few of these seasonings in the quantities you like.
Claudia Roden has a recipe with pumpkin and another one with courgette. You can use any vegetable that mashes easily.
Serve on toast or just as a side dish.
Labelga made me discover the ajlouk recipe, on a beautiful September evening. We made three different ajlouks: from carrots, sweet potato and courgette. We had them on her terrace outside. She is also a big Claudia Roden's adept. A long time ago I gave her 'The book of Jewish food' as a birthday present and she was very enthusiastic about it. I only got it for myself a few years later.
Oat cake
Serves 1-2
Rinse 2 tbsp of oatmeal in water, then add 1 egg and a pinch of salt and mix with a fork.
Heat a little butter in a small pan and pour the mixture in the pan. Fry on low heat until golden brown on one side, then turn over and fry the other side.

Today I also went to an Arabian shop and bought lots of delicious pastries.
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