I prepared a soup from chicken broth, as posted before, and I served the cold chicken meat with salsa verde, and with a few salads from Claudia Roden's book of Jewish food.
The quantities serve 6 persons.
Cucumber salad

2 cucumbers
lemon juice
1 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp sour cream
Peel cucumbers, cut in half and remove the seeds.
Chop them finely, sprinkle with a lot of salt, and let this drip in a sieve for at least 1 hr until it gets soft and looses the moisture.
Rinse and dry with kitchen towel.
Mix lemon juice and sugar with sour cream and add this to the cucumber.
Red beetroot salad

500 g red beetroots, boiled, peeled and chopped
1 onion, chopped finely
salt & pepper
lemon juice
1 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp sour cream
3 tbsp dill, chopped finely
Mix sour cream, lemon juice and sugar.
Add the other ingredients.
Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
Potato salad

1 kg potatoes
salt & pepper
olive oil, extra virgin
1 onion, chopped finely
3 tbsp parsley, chopped finely
Wash potatoes and steam them. Peel them immediately and slice them. Add olive oil, salt and pepper to taste while they're still warm. Mix well. When they've cooled, add onion and parsley.
Note: you can add capers, anchovy, black olives, boiled egg etc. Today I omitted this because I also served salsa verde, which contains most of these ingredients.
We had a great bottle of wine with this meal.

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