14 March 2007

Chicken stew with Jerusalem artichoke

In my previous risotto post I discovered a really nice combination of vegetables and decided to try that with chicken. I must have said before that I looooooove Jerusalem artichoke and it came out terribly well in this dish. I invented the dish, based on a recipe for minty carrot chicken from Claudia Roden's book of Jewish food.

Serves 4

2 onions, peeled and chopped
12 chicken wings
700g - 1 kg Jerusalem artichokes, peeled and chopped
2 cups of peas (I used organic frozen ones)
lots of fresh coriander leaves, chopped
1 tsp turmeric
pepper & salt
sunflower oil

Fry onions in oil on low heat until they are soft and golden. Add turmeric and stir it. Raise the heat a little and add the pieces of chicken. Season them well with pepper and salt. Fry for 5 min, turn around, season again and fry the other side for 5 min.
Transfer the chicken to a big cooking pot, add boiling water, add the vegetables and if necessary some more salt. Chicken and vegs should be just about covered with water.
Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and let the dish simmer for 15 min, half covered with the lid. Remove the lid and let it simmer for 20-30 min, until the Jerusalem artichokes are soft. Add the coriander in the last 5 min of cooking.

I served this with basmati rice and a little side salad with lettuce, red beetroot, parsley and gomasio. My guests loved the meal. They were my neighbours who are going to move soon and whom I will miss a lot! They took the pictures which I really like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful salad, which I will try (nice touch, gomasio).