Today I tried a recipe from Weldon's 'THAILAND The Beautiful Cookbook', called ta-go, from southern Thailand.

Serves 8
125 g rice flour
185 g sugar
5,5 dl jasmin water (water with jasmin essence)
45 g rice flour
5 dl coconut cream
2 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
Mix rice flour and sugar with the water and let it stand for 15 min.
Bring this to the boil and cook it on low heat for 15 min. while stirring continuously.
Divide the mixture in 8-12 small bowls (with a volume of around 1 dl); fill only half of each bowl.
Mix the ingredients for the covering and bring them to the boil. Cook this on low heat for 15-20 min. while stirring continuously. Pour this on top of the first mixture in the bowls and let it cool.
The texture of the top layer should be much thinner than the one on the bottom.
I didn't find jasmin essence so I used rose water in stead. I added it at the end of the cooking to the first mixture.
For coconut cream you dissolve creamed coconut (santen) in hot water. I wasn't sure about the proportions so I used 100 g creamed coconut in 5 dl water. Afterwards I checked Claudia Roden's instructions and she advises to use 100 g santen with 2,5 dl water to obtain 3 dl. This means I should have used more santen: 170 g in 4,2 dl water.
I was afraid this dessert would be too sweet, so I made it with less sugar. But when I tasted it, it could use more sugar, so it's best to stay with the amount mentioned.
The recipe states these quantities serve 4, but it's very rich so it's better to serve small portions, for up to 8 people.
Before this I had a lamb couscous with a hot sauce and an onion and raisin sauce (confit d'oignon et de raisins secs), from Claudia Roden's 'The book of Jewish food'. Don't think I will blog it though; the cooking in itself was enough work ;-)
Since the portions turned out to be so big, I had some of this pudding for breakfast this morning, with the roast nut and seeds power mix labelga gave me and a juicy pear, hmmmm.
Labelga, you can also get the santen at the oriental supermarket in Brussels. And they have delicious tamarind sweets, which are a little salty...
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