30 October 2006

Pumpkin pie

Some time ago I made a sweet pumpkin pie. It was before I started my blog, so I don't have a picture. Anyway, everybody liked it! You eat it as a dessert and the taste is unusual but very nice.

Pie dough

Cut 100g butter in small cubes. Put 200g flour in a bowl, mix it with a little salt, make a hole in the flour, add 1 egg, 60g sugar and the butter. Mix with your fingers until you have a nice dough. Let it rest for 1h in the fridge.


Cut 500g pumpkin in cubes (this is the weight without skin or seeds). Steam or boil this until soft. Mash it and add a little freshly squeezed orange juice and lemon juice. Add 100g sugar, 1 egg and 1dl cream. Add a little vanilla seeds (you can buy them like this or scrape them from the pod) and ground ginger.


Roll out the dough and put it in a pie dish. Pierce the dough with a fork and cover it with baking paper and some beans. Bake it for 10-20 mins in the oven at 180° C. Remove the baking paper and the beans and add the filling. Bake for another 20 mins.

We ate it straight but you can serve it with sour cream or mascarpone.
I used soy cream instead of real cream and the result was nice.

1 comment:

Oleandri said...

Wow, I have to go! I have run out of pumpkins and still want to prepare loads of recipes.