13 May 2010

Kousmine breakfast

When I was pregnant, my aunt told me to eat this for breakfast so I would have a very intelligent baby ;-) Not sure if he is, but in any case it's very healthy and helps preventing constipation during pregnancy and after giving birth. It's rich in fiber, vitamins and mineral elements.
This breakfast is actually called crème Budwig and is advised to eat by dr. Kousmine.

Here's the recipe which my aunt gave me:

1 tbsp lineseed (flax?) oil
1 tbsp organic maple syrup grade C
4 tbsp fresh white cheese (plattekaas)
fresh fruit
2 tbsp ground nuts
4 tbsp ground wheat/oat/... flakes or muesli

Add lineseed oil and maple syrup to white cheese and mix well until oil is absorbed.
Add other ingredients.

I developed this version:

1 tbsp lineseed oil
1 tbsp organic maple syrup grade C
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp white cheese
2 tbsp yoghurt with active bifidus
1 tsp of walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seed and pumpkin seed each (raw, not roasted or salted)
4 tsp oat flakes
1 dried fig
1 dried apricot
1 piece of dried mango
1/2 banana
1/2 apple
+ any other fruit (pear, grapes, fresh mango, ...)

Sometimes I left out the banana and the lemon juice, depending on how my stomach felt.
Banana has magnesium and is supposed to help with leg cramps.

I used to grind nuts, oat flakes and dried fruit but my blender got broken because of the dried fruit, so then I just ate these things as they were.

I really felt the benefits of eating this.

Apart from that, I have a few other pregnancy tips:
- drink loads of water
- start rubbing your bottom, belly and breasts twice a day as soon as possible (I loved the pregnancy oil by Weleda)
- hydrate your skin: use extra rich moisturizer and body lotion, and plenty of lip balm
- buy a pregnancy cushion (sausage)

Thanks cousin I. for stimulating me to make another post here and good luck!